Louis Anthony Heringes
June 14, 1919 ~ April 27, 2010
Daddy was born June 14th on Flag Day in 1919 to Hungarian immigrants, Frank and Sophia Heringes in Cleveland Ohio. He had five brothers and two sisters. When he was 12, his father passed away, leaving his young mother to raise 8 children during the depression. They were very difficult times.
He was proud to be an American and served his country in the US Army in WWII. He fought on the front lines in New Guinea and was awarded "The Purple Heart of Bravery". All of the Heringes boys served in the Army in WWII, and, thank God, all of them returned.
Soon after returning from the war, he married his sweetheart Stella, my mom, in early December 1945. Darla, Linda and Louie Jr. came along to complete the family.
In 1957 the family traveled cross country in Daddy's beloved 1951 chevy pulling a 20 foot trailer. He loved that car! Over the years, he actually wore the paint off in spots from polishing it so much. Did you see the Lucy and Desi movie "the Long, Long Trailer"? (personal story) "It was late August and very hot. While climbing the rocky mountains, the car kept overheating. It seemed like every time we turned a corner we'd have to stop and let the car cool down a bit before adding water to the radiator that was stored in canvas bags that hung off the bumpers of the car. When that ran out, he resorted to draining the toilet tank in the trailer. We just made it over the mountains using every last drop of water we had."
Our mom Stella passed away in 1964 after a very long illness.
Daddy loved to cook. Especially Hungarian food. He made the best Kolbas (coal-bas) sausage, and keflis (keeflees) cookies. He loved to sing funny songs, joke around and do gardening. He used to have the most beautiful landscaped house in his neighborhood.
My husband Richard introduced May Wilson to Daddy and they were married for 23 years. She passed away in 1996.
Daddy is survived by his daughter Darla Heringes, his daughter and son in law Linda and Richard Gurule, his son and daughter in law Louie Heringes Jr. and D'Ann, his grand-daughter and her husband Courtney and Ron Olivas, their two boys Tanner and Aiden, and his grand-daughter Jordan and her husband Christian Szabo, and step children, Marge, Steve and Carlene.
Just this past Monday, the day before he passed, Tinkerbelle and I spent precious time with Daddy. The past couple of months, He hadn't felt up to coming to the activites room for our little singing time with the residents, but, when I walked into the room there he was. He had a big smile on his face and said excitedly, "the war is over!" When someone has dementia, it's best not to tell them they're not right about something so, I quickly said, "that's wonderful, Daddy, lets sing some patriotic songs!" We sang two of his favorites, "God bless America" and "Battle Hymn of the Republic". Daddy was so animated. He was waving his arms like he was directing the choir and making funny faces at me making me laugh while trying to sing. After the program, we went outside on the patio for a while. He suddenly got very tired. It was time for lunch, so we went inside. He didn't have much of an appetite and kept falling asleep. I sat next to him and Tinkerbelle rested her little head on his knee. I woke him after a while to tell him I loved him. He answered, "I love you, too", and we said goodbye.
Less than 24 hours later, he was taken to the hospital. My sister Darla got there first. He was still alive when I got there, but only for a few minutes and he was unconscious. I told him I loved him and not to be afraid, and that Jesus was with him. Just a few minutes later, he just stopped breathing. He left this world very peacefully.
Daddy was right. The battle for him is truly over. He has no more pain, no more feeble body, no more dementia. He's with the Lord in Heaven now. The tears are bitter sweet... I miss my precious Daddy so much, but, it gives me great joy knowing that he is with Jesus and we will be together again one day.
Lord Jesus, please give my Daddy a big hug and kiss for me.
June 14, 1919 ~ April 27, 2010
Daddy was born June 14th on Flag Day in 1919 to Hungarian immigrants, Frank and Sophia Heringes in Cleveland Ohio. He had five brothers and two sisters. When he was 12, his father passed away, leaving his young mother to raise 8 children during the depression. They were very difficult times.
He was proud to be an American and served his country in the US Army in WWII. He fought on the front lines in New Guinea and was awarded "The Purple Heart of Bravery". All of the Heringes boys served in the Army in WWII, and, thank God, all of them returned.
Soon after returning from the war, he married his sweetheart Stella, my mom, in early December 1945. Darla, Linda and Louie Jr. came along to complete the family.
In 1957 the family traveled cross country in Daddy's beloved 1951 chevy pulling a 20 foot trailer. He loved that car! Over the years, he actually wore the paint off in spots from polishing it so much. Did you see the Lucy and Desi movie "the Long, Long Trailer"? (personal story) "It was late August and very hot. While climbing the rocky mountains, the car kept overheating. It seemed like every time we turned a corner we'd have to stop and let the car cool down a bit before adding water to the radiator that was stored in canvas bags that hung off the bumpers of the car. When that ran out, he resorted to draining the toilet tank in the trailer. We just made it over the mountains using every last drop of water we had."
Our mom Stella passed away in 1964 after a very long illness.
Daddy loved to cook. Especially Hungarian food. He made the best Kolbas (coal-bas) sausage, and keflis (keeflees) cookies. He loved to sing funny songs, joke around and do gardening. He used to have the most beautiful landscaped house in his neighborhood.
My husband Richard introduced May Wilson to Daddy and they were married for 23 years. She passed away in 1996.
Daddy is survived by his daughter Darla Heringes, his daughter and son in law Linda and Richard Gurule, his son and daughter in law Louie Heringes Jr. and D'Ann, his grand-daughter and her husband Courtney and Ron Olivas, their two boys Tanner and Aiden, and his grand-daughter Jordan and her husband Christian Szabo, and step children, Marge, Steve and Carlene.
Just this past Monday, the day before he passed, Tinkerbelle and I spent precious time with Daddy. The past couple of months, He hadn't felt up to coming to the activites room for our little singing time with the residents, but, when I walked into the room there he was. He had a big smile on his face and said excitedly, "the war is over!" When someone has dementia, it's best not to tell them they're not right about something so, I quickly said, "that's wonderful, Daddy, lets sing some patriotic songs!" We sang two of his favorites, "God bless America" and "Battle Hymn of the Republic". Daddy was so animated. He was waving his arms like he was directing the choir and making funny faces at me making me laugh while trying to sing. After the program, we went outside on the patio for a while. He suddenly got very tired. It was time for lunch, so we went inside. He didn't have much of an appetite and kept falling asleep. I sat next to him and Tinkerbelle rested her little head on his knee. I woke him after a while to tell him I loved him. He answered, "I love you, too", and we said goodbye.
Less than 24 hours later, he was taken to the hospital. My sister Darla got there first. He was still alive when I got there, but only for a few minutes and he was unconscious. I told him I loved him and not to be afraid, and that Jesus was with him. Just a few minutes later, he just stopped breathing. He left this world very peacefully.
Daddy was right. The battle for him is truly over. He has no more pain, no more feeble body, no more dementia. He's with the Lord in Heaven now. The tears are bitter sweet... I miss my precious Daddy so much, but, it gives me great joy knowing that he is with Jesus and we will be together again one day.
Lord Jesus, please give my Daddy a big hug and kiss for me.