Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Happy St. Patrick's Day from Charlie, Tink, and Buddy!

Charlie is settling into the family nicely. We've had him over a month already. The Feliway seems to be helping Buddy with the anxiety of having another alpha cat in the family thrust upon him. Charlie and Tinkerbelle continue to play happily together. If I had a video camera, I would shoot them running around the house playing tag. I'd love to show you! Charlie was the first adult rescue we have ever adopted. There have been some challenges, (not with him, with Buddy) but, we are happy to have him in the family.
Charlie and Tink didn't enjoy their festive St. Patty's bows, but, my big orange Buddy boy loves dressing up!


  1. Ha Ha! Very cute! Are they wearing the bows so you don't have to?

  2. Awe. The cats don't even look too disgruntled about the bows.

  3. Too cute! I see the new guy is fitting in nicely :-) Thanks for sharing your furry ones- they always make me smile :-D

  4. Oh Willo, you and your cute animals. I love the pictures.

  5. =) Did they willingly accept the bows?!?!?! =) They look cute...I'm just wondering how they liked wearing them? =)

  6. Adorable pets! I love the photo of your big orange Buddy boy! Looks like he knows how handsome he is in that bow! What would we do without our fur babies?


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